Provider – Patreon

Patreon Sample

Table of contents

How to enable Patreon login in WordPress

1. Create a Patreon App

To be able to log in via Patreon you must create a Patreon app first.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in with your Patreon creator credentials if you are not logged in, or make a new Patreon creator account.
    • Make sure your Patreon email address is verified, otherwise you won’t be able to register or link with a local account! See Limitations.
  3. Click on the "Create Client" button!
  4. Enter the name of your app in the "App Name" field.
  5. Add a "App Name" for your app.
  6. Select the "App Category", pick "“Member Recognition”".
  7. Enter your "Author or Company Name".
  8. Add the domain of your company to the "Company Domain" field. You can find our suggestion at step 8 in the Getting Started guide in Nextend Social Login.
  9. Add an "Icon URL".
  10. Enter the "Privacy Policy URL".
  11. Enter your "Terms of Service URL".
  12. Then add the redirect URI to the "Redirect URIs" field. Use the URL we suggest at step 12 in Nextend Social Login in the Getting Started Guide.
  13. Make sure that the "Client API Version" is set to "2".
  14. Afterwards, press "Create Client".
  15. You should see your newly created App. Click on the dropdown icon next to the name of your App.
  16. Copy the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" values, and enter them to the fields with the same name on the Settings tab in Nextend Social Login.

2. App setup

Once your Patreon app is ready you’ll need to copy and paste the Client ID and Client Secret to the Patreon provider’s Settings tab.

3. Verifying

Once your Client ID and Client Secret have been added you need to verify the setup first. This verification helps you identify possible problems with the app.


Patreon Settings

Client ID

The Client ID of your Patreon app. You can find it at under your App’s Client ID field in the dropdown (“<Your Client ID>”).

Client Secret

The Client Secret of your Patreon app. You can find it at under your App’s Client Secret field in the dropdown (“<Your Client Secret>”).
Patreon Settings

Other settings

Patreon Other Settings

Username prefix on Register

Whenever a new user registers with their Patreon account they can get a custom prefix so you can easily identify them.

Fallback username prefix on register

Whenever a new user registers with their Patreon account and we can not generate a valid username from the first name or last name, a random username will be generated. With this option they can get a custom prefix so you can easily identify them.

Terms and conditions

This option can only be seen, if Terms and conditions is set to Show in Global Settings → Privacy tab. Here you can set custom Terms and Conditions for users who register with Patreon. For more information please read our GDPR documentation.

Sync data

By default Nextend Social Login stores the first name, last name, email, avatar url and access token if it is possible, however some additional information can also be retrieved and stored.
When an option is checked, that field will be stored in a meta key with the specified name.

Patreon Sync Data

Sync fields

It determines when the synchronization shall happen.

  • Register: whenever a new user registers with a provider, their data will be retrieved and stored.
  • Login: whenever user logs in with a provider, their data will be retrieved and stored.
  • Link: whenever user links and existing WordPress account with a provider, their data will be retrieved and stored.

Design Guidelines

According to the Patreon Design Guidelines, the button needs to comply with the requirements. Our design matches this requirement. Avoid using custom designs, as that can get your Patreon login disabled.

Common error messages returned by Patreon during verification

Invalid request

“error”: “invalid_request”,
“error_description”: “Invalid client_id parameter value.”

The Client ID you entered is invalid for your App.

“error”: “invalid_request”,
“error_description”: “Mismatching redirect URI.”

In this case, review step 12 in the Patreon Getting Started Guide in Nextend Social Login, and use the URL we suggest.


Make sure to verify your Patreon email address

Patreon does not allow connecting, or linking with a local account if the email address of your Patreon account is not verified.
You can view the official statement here.
Patreon Email Not Verified Example 1