Provider – Reddit

Reddit Sample

Table of contents

How to enable Reddit login in WordPress

1. Create a Reddit App

To be able to log in via Reddit you must create a Reddit app first.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in with your Reddit credentials if you are not logged in.
  3. Click on the "are you a developer? create an app…" button!
  4. Make sure you have the "web app" radio option selected.
  5. Enter a "name" for your App.
  6. Optional: Enter a "description" and set an "about url" for your App.
  7. Enter the "redirect uri", that Nextend Social Login suggests at the backend!
  8. Complete the Human test and click the "create app" button
  9. Copy and save the "Client ID" value, which is located just below the name and type of your App. This is what you will use later on the Settings tab for the "Client ID" field.
  10. Copy and save the "Client Secret" value, which is the value next to "secret". This is what you will use later on the Settings tab for the "Client Secret" field.
  11. Your app is now ready!

2. App setup

Once your Reddit app is ready you’ll need to copy and paste the Client ID and Client Secret to the Reddit provider’s Settings tab.

3. Verifying

Once your Client ID and Client Secret have been added, you need to verify the setup first. This verification helps you identify possible problems with the app.


Reddit Settings

Client ID

The Client ID of your Reddit app. You can find it at under your App’s "Settings" page.

Client Secret

The Client Secret of your Reddit app. You can find it at under your App’s "Settings" page.
Reddit Other Settings

Username prefix on Register

Whenever a new user registers with their Reddit account they can get a custom prefix so you can easily identify them.

Fallback username prefix on register

Whenever a new user registers with their Reddit account and we can not generate a valid username from the first name or last name, a random username will be generated. With this option they can get a custom prefix so you can easily identify them.

Sync data

By default Nextend Social Login stores the first name, last name, email, avatar url and access token if it is possible, however some additional information can also be retrieved and stored.
When an option is checked, that field will be stored in a meta key with the specified name.

Reddit Sync Data

Sync fields

It determines when the synchronization shall happen.

  • Register: whenever a new user registers with a provider, their data will be retrieved and stored.
  • Login: whenever user logs in with a provider, their data will be retrieved and stored.
  • Link: whenever user links and existing WordPress account with a provider, their data will be retrieved and stored.

Design Guidelines

According to the Reddit Design Guidelines, the button needs to comply with the requirements. Our design matches this requirement. Avoid using custom designs, as that can get your Reddit login disabled.

Common error messages returned by Reddit during verification

bad request

you sent an invalid request — invalid client id.

You are missing or you have used the wrong Client ID.

you sent an invalid request — invalid redirect_uri parameter.

You are missing or you have used a wrong Redirect URI.

Error: Unauthorized – 401

You are missing or you have used the wrong Client Secret.