Smart Slider 3.2

Update: We’ve released the Smart Slider 3.2 on May 24.

At the end of last year we shipped our first major version for Smart Slider. We’d already known that the next version would be something bigger and bolder than we had ever built before.

Introducing Smart Slider 3.1 – Supernova

Today I would like to announce the launch of our first major version of Smart Slider! The Smart Slider 3.1 Supernova is a significant step forward and in this article I want to take you behind the scenes and show you the latest features

Behind the Pixel –

Hi Patryk, it’s great to have a chance to speak with you. Please tell us a little bit about yourself, your team and about Symu.

Animations in Smart Slider 3

If you choose to use Smart Slider 3 on your website, you can live up to the expectations of your users, and wow them instantly with your amazing sliders. Main animation, background animation, layer animation and Ken Burns effect.

Responsive Checklist for Smart Slider 3

When Smart Slider 3 was designed, we took special care of making it as responsive and mobile friendly as possible, while keeping the settings simple and easy to understand for everyone. In this article, I’ll introduce the most useful responsive

Introducing Magento 2.0

Magento is an enterprise-class ecommerce platform, which offers powerful and flexible features. Basically, it is like having WordPress which is based on WooCommerce instead of blogging. For a Joomla example, it is like installing Joomla