Upcoming fixes and updates
Coming soon…
- Fix: PHP warnings in the Getting Started section of some providers
- Fix: Some third parties could end up breaking our “Page for register flow” and “OAuth redirect uri proxy page” select inputs.
- Fix: WordPress 6.7 compatibility – Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly warning.
- Fix: Our BroadcastChannel could prevent the back/forward cache (or bfcache) from caching the page
- Improvement: Auto-linking security improvements.
- Improvement: Facebook Getting Started updated.
- Feature: Google provider – Added option to choose a custom profile image size.
- Fix: Updated compatibility with Jetpack (deprecated Jetpack_SSO class has been replaced in our code).
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the old avatar would still show up due to browser cache even after the avatar has been changed and synced.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where we had forcefully overriden default avatars as well over the “pre_get_avatar_data” filter. Now the “force_default” argument is respected.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the target window setting couldn’t work properly for buttons that were loaded dynamically after page load.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the “Fallback username prefix on register” and “Ask Username on registration – When username is empty or invalid” options wouldn’t work if the “Username prefix on register” was set.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where it was possible to have too long of a username, thus not being able to register with the social login.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where consecutive social icons of the same provider could not appear on the same page, when at least one instance was hidden by a CSS visibility property.
- Improvement: Developers from now on can use the nsl_register_roles filter to override the default roles of the user registered by social login.
- Improvement: Solid Security 2FA compatibility – Their 2FA solution will only show the 2FA modal if our Support login restrictions option is enabled.
- Improvement: Facebook Getting Started updated
- Improvement: Error message sanitization.
- Fix: We will now delete the user avatar if the social media account which was used to set the avatar for the user gets unlinked.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where an error was thrown whenever the download_url() function would return a WP_Error object during the unlinking process.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where a plugin/theme force update check could cause a fatal error.
- Feature: Global Settings – Added new “Unsupported WebView behaviour” option which determines what should happen to the social login buttons in WebView environments.
- Improvement: Removed custom download_url() method, instead we will use the standard WordPress version, as it now works as expected.
- Improvement: Google – Getting Started updated.
- Improvement: Facebook – API call version updated from v13.0 to v19.0.
- Fix: The default “Terms and conditions” text can now be translated with our language files.
- Improvement: Facebook Getting Started Update
- Improvement: Shortcode – customlabel shortcode parameter added, which can be used for specifying a custom label for the connect state of the social buttons rendered by the currently used shortcode. Also you can use the {{providerName}} placeholder to display the name of the given provider in your custom text.
- Fix: Fixed a crash during login when “Support login restrictions” is enabled while WP 2FA plugin is installed.
- Fix: Fixed a PHP Warning issue related to Ultimate Member when “Support login restrictions” is enabled.
- Fix: Indeed Ultimate Affiliate Pro compatibility – registration with social login didn’t award rewards to the affiliates
- Improvement: Twitter provider has been rebranded as X
- Improvement: Facebook – Getting Started updated
- Feature: Facebook provider – Added option to choose a custom profile image size.
- Fix: renderButtonsWithContainerAndTitle() method will no longer render the connect buttons for the logged in users.
- Fix: renderLinkAndUnlinkButtons() method will no longer render the link and unlink buttons for the logged out users
- Improvement: Developers can now use the “nsl_autolink_error_redirect_url” filter to override the redirect URL when auto-linking fails.
- Fix: In some cases we opened the login popup window in an incorrect position.
- Fix: Some language files had wrong language codes in their names: es_LA > es_ES, zh_ZH > zh_CN
- Improvement: Facebook Getting Started Update
- Improvement: The HTML of the “Register” submit button in our Register flow can now be overridden over template files.
- Improvement: Registration – if the provider has account select screen, then the user will be able to select another account if an error prevented the registration.
- Improvement: Auto-linking security improvements.
- Improvement: Google provider – new OAuth2 authorization and token endpoints.
- Improvement: Developers can now use the “nsl_required_capability” filter to override the default capability ( manage_options ) that is required to be able to access the backend of Nextend Social Login.
- Improvement: Japanese translation added.
- Improvement: Hebrew translation added.
- Feature: Twitter – option to choose whether we should use v1.1 or the v2.0 OAuth flow and credentials. ( The different versions have different App creation guides depending on the selected value. )
- Fix: The !important CSS rules can cause problems for AMP validators, so we will use more specific selectors instead.
- Fix: Some object cache might caused a PHP warning when the login happened with third party login forms.
- Fix: There was a JavaScript error in WordPress-like login forms that didn’t fire any login specific actions
- Improvement: Twitter Getting Started Update
- Improvement: Support login restrictions – BuddyPress activation integration – in this case the actual registration is done by BuddyPress, not Nextend Social Login.
- Improvement: Developers can now define the “NSL_DISABLE_IN_AMP_REQUESTS” constant, to disable the social buttons and its assets in the AMP requests.
- Improvement: Developers can now use the “nsl_disabled_register_redirect_url” and “nsl_disabled_login_redirect_url” filters to override the redirects in most cases when the registration or login with social login fails for some reason
- Improvement: Introduced some public PHP functions that developers can use to get some user data outside of our normal flow
- Improvement: Avatar storing improvements
- Feature: Option to allow the profile syncing separately for the registration, login and link actions
- Fix: Google provider – Google OAuth no longer supports any kind of WebViews, so the Google button will be hidden in all WebView environments.
- Fix: User selected language in the backend didn’t load our translations in certain cases.
- Improvement: We will trigger the “wp_login_failed” action when the login with social login fails, so the login history plugins could display the failed login attempts happened with social login, too.
- Improvement: The unlinked social media identifier will be now available from the “nsl_unlink_user” action parameters.
- Fix: The Jetpack Boost plugin stopped our authentication flow
- Fix: The “WP 2FA” plugin could prevent the login with social login even if our “Support login restrictions” feature was disabled
- Fix: PHP error when other plugins tried to force WordPress to update the plugin update transients ( update_plugins ) with null parameter
- Fix: The “Page Transitions” feature of Elementor Pro opened our links in the opener window, causing a redirect in both the popup and the popup opener window
- Improvement: Introducing the “nsl_connect_button_custom_attributes”, “nsl_unlink_button_custom_attributes”, “nsl_link_button_custom_attributes” filters to add extra attributes on our button links
- Improvement: Avatar storing – We won’t try to copy the avatar into our avatar folder if the same file is already there
- Improvement: Avatar storing – If the earlier stored avatar file doesn’t exist, we will delete the associated attachment data the next time the user logs in
- Improvement: Facebook provider – Graph API version of the used endpoints have been updated from v7.0 to v13.0
- Fix: PHP Warning on redirects, when the “Host” header is not sent by the browser ( e.g when an action happens with CLI )
- Fix: The redirect parameter of the shortcode didn’t work in AJAX requests
- Fix: Provider order modification didn’t work in WordPress 5.9, as the version 5.9 was shipped with new jQuery UI Sortable library that didn’t support sorting floated elements.
- Improvement: Google Getting Started Update
- Improvement: Twitter Getting Started Update
- Feature: Bypass cache on redirect – when enabled, it adds a GET parameter to the redirect URL, which can prevent caching in certain cases.
- Fix: Database error on clean install
- Improvement: WPML Redirect URL compatibility
- Improvement: Updated Italian translation files
- Improvement: Twitter Getting Started Update
- Improvement: Facebook provider – Facebook popup height has been increased, so everything will be visible during Authorization
- Improvement: Facebook provider – The Facebook button will no longer be visible in Android WebView, as Facebook has deprecated the support for Facebook Login Authentication on Android WebView. In the WebView of the Facebook and Instagram Android Apps the buttons will still be visible, as Facebook currently allows the authentication over these Android WebViews.
- Feature: Option to control the appearance of the Redirect Overlay
- Improvement: If there is a slow server or a poor internet connection, the redirect after the authentication with social login might take longer. During this time we will display a loading spinner, so the visitor will know that something is about to happen.
- Improvement: string paths from the language files have been removed.
- Fix: Display error message for logged out users, when they try to login with a social media account that’s email address matches with a WordPress account email address, that has a linked provider from the same kind.
- Fix: WooRewards will be able to generate points on registration with Nextend Social Login.
- Improvement: nsl_already_linked_error_message filter added to modify the error message when a WordPress account with the same email address has another social media account already linked.
- Improvement: Separate autologin from registerComplete function.
- Improvement: nsl_autologin_priority filter added to control the priority of the autologin after the registration with Nextend Social Login.
- Improvement: Facebook Getting Started Update
- Improvement: WPML compatibility
- Fix: We had to add clear: both; on the nsl-container class to make floated elements before the buttons not to mess up the layout.
- Fix: Jetpack removed the Register button in our register flow when it was handled over the WordPress default login page.
- Improvement: The social buttons with the Default style will try to go as wide as the longest button, if there is enough space in the social button container element.
- Feature: Fullwidth style for the social buttons.
- Fix: We didn’t display the disabled registration notification when the “OAuth redirect uri proxy page” feature was used.
- Fix: Google provider – Social button didn’t appear in Opera Mini and iOS Opera Touch.
- Fix: WordPress couldn’t download the avatars coming from the social media when the avatar URL was too long.
- Fix: Our styles were missing from pages with AMP mode of “AMP for WP”.
- Fix: There was an AMP validation error as earlier we didn’t load our styles into the unique style tag with the “amp-custom” attribute.
- Fix: Database – There was a database error on MySQL 8.0.17 and above, as the display width attribute has been deprecated for integer data types.
- Fix: Database – Default values of register_date, login_date and link_date have been changed from “0000-00-00 00:00:00” to NULL, since the old value could cause a database error when we tried to make database structure modifications in databases when NO_ZERO_DATE, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE values are set in sql_mode.
- Improvement: Developers can now pass false value for the nsl_disabled_register_error_message filter for turning off our registration disabled notification.
- Improvement: Google provider – The Google button will no longer be hidden in Line App WebView, as Google allows the authentication over the WebView of this App.
- Improvement: Developers can now use the nsl_unlink_user action to run custom function when a user unlinks the social media account from the WordPress account.
- Improvement: Twitter Getting Started Update
- Improvement: Google Getting Started Update
- Improvement: Facebook Getting Started Update
- Improvement: The context “Register form submit button label” has been added to the Register button appearing in our register flow. So it can now be translated with language files separately.
- Improvement: On the frontend we will use native JavaScript instead of jQuery.
- Fix: Ultimate Member prevents our registration when we need to ask extra information before the registration.
- Fix: post_mime_type PHP notice.
- Improvement: Italian translation files added.
- Improvement: Notice handling logic improvements.
- Improvement: Twitter Getting Started Update
- Improvement: Facebook Getting Started Update
- Improvement: Facebook Warning for App replacing
- Improvement: Google provider – using OAuth2 v2 endpoint
- Improvement: 2 new filters for customizing the redirect url and error message when login is disabled.
- Improvement: Database – new column for Primary Key
- Improvement: PHP 8.0 compatibility
- Improvement: Using the “pre_get_avatar_data” filter instead of “get_avatar” filter.
- Fix: PHP notice when AMP plugin is enabled.
- Fix: The orphan thumbnail sizes generated from the avatars will be deleted when the earlier stored avatar has been overridden by the provider.
- Improvement: Hashed filenames for avatars to avoid tracking back the user avatars over the URL by User ID.
- Improvement: Avatars are now stored in the dedicated folder called nsl_avatars. The name of the folder can be modified with the NSL_AVATARS_FOLDER constant.
- Improvement: Ultimate Member – the registration date will appear in the info popup for users registered by social login.
- Improvement: 2 new filters for developers
- Improvement: nsl_disabled_register_error_message filter will also work when the OAuth flow is being handled over the default login page.
- Improvement: Facebook provider – Getting Started update.
- Feature: Custom label for buttons in register forms and new shortcode parameter to use the register labels.
- Fix: WishList Member plugin prevents the strong redirects of Nextend Social Login.
- Fix: Connect button – Url encoding in the redirect parameter to keep the URL parameters after login.
- Fix: JavaScript errors on JavaScript minification with WP Hide & Security Enhancer
- Fix: Delayed login caused by image optimization plugins, like EWWW Image Optimizer.
- Fix: Social button styles will be loaded in AMP “Reader” template pages, too.
- Improvement: Reactivate renamed to Analyze & Repair
- Improvement: Notification at the backend, when there is at least one configured provider however it is not enabled.
- Improvement: Facebook provider – updated steps and new video guide in the Getting Started section.
- Improvement: Facebook provider – new default button color.
- Improvement: Facebook provider – we will use Graph API v7.0 for the endpoints.
- Improvement: Google provider – updated steps and new video guide in the Getting Started section.
- Improvement: Allow redirect and error message overrides when registration is disabled.
- Improvement: The Google button will no longer be hidden for Instagram, Twitter and Facebook App WebViews, as Google allows the authentication over the WebView of these Apps.
- Feature: Facebook provider – button skin selector added.
- Fix: BuddyPress 6.0 compatibility fix.
- Fix: PHP error when BuddyPress – Activity is disabled.
- Fix: Support login restrictions – delete persistent data when the registration was prevented by a third party plugin
- Fix: Twitter – 48×48 avatars can be stored again
- Fix: Updated language files.
Compatibility: PHP 7 or greater is required for the new version!
- Fix: Icon style – Icons will be wrapped into multiple lines when there is no more room for them.
- Fix: Social buttons will no longer be distorted when the page is translated with Google translator.
- Fix: WPLMS theme – social button style and duplicated social buttons.
- Fix: WP Rocket – Combine JavaScript files compatibility.
- Fix: Popup target window when the social buttons appear in certain modals.
- Fix: Ultimate Member avatars with social registration.
- Fix: Avatars will be stored again, if there is an attachment set, but the file doesn’t exist.
- Improvement: Database – Register, Link and Login date will be stored.
- Improvement: Google – Light skin will be the default button skin.
- Improvement: Pages which are being used by other plugins will be filtered out from Page for register flow and OAuth redirect uri proxy page.
- Improvement: Getting Started ( Facebook, Google ) updated with new steps.
- Improvement: New registrations happening with social login will also be displayed in the BuddyPress – Activity log.
- Improvement: Shortcode “provider” parameter will also define the visibility of the link and unlink buttons.
- Feature: Option to disable the Google account select prompt on each login.
- For developers: The provider instance can now be accessed over nsl_registration_form_start and nsl_registration_form_end actions
- Fix: Ultimate Member Auto Approve + Support Login Restriction – Avatars will be synchronized.
- Fix: Error message didn’t show up when an “OAuth redirect uri proxy page” was selected.
- Feature: Shortcode – Grid style
- Feature: German translation files added.
- Improvement: redirect_to URL parameter is stronger now than current page url
- Improvement: nsl_registration_user_data filter can now be also used
for preventing the registration.
- Fix: Shortcode – align parameter notice
- Fix: Social buttons didn’t show up properly when the action where we check jQuery was called multiple times.
- Improvement: Google Select account modal before the login.
- Fix: Google – G+ logo is replaced with simple G logo.
- Fix: _nsl is not defined error when there was no provider configured.
- Fix: The shortcode of Page for register flow will be rendered into the correct position.
- Fix: Activation on specific domains.
- Fix: Importing old Pro Addon licenses.
- Fix: NSL Avatars used to override the selected BuddyPress avatars
- Fix: 500 error when the Extended Profiles setting is disabled in BuddyPress.
- Fix: By default, users won’t be redirected to the homepage after unlinking their accounts, instead will be redirected back to the page, where the unlink action has happened.
- Fix: Nextend Social Login will now wait for jQuery before positioning the social buttons.
- Fix: Getting Started section of some providers are updated with the new App creation steps.
- Feature: Russian translation added.
- Feature: Display avatars in “All media items” – Images can now load faster in Media Library – Grid view, when this option is enabled.
- Feature: Social button alignment option for WordPress forms, shortcode and widget.
- Feature: Membership – is now available in the FREE version and provides support for WordPress default membership as well.
- Feature: new hook allows overriding the username and email before registration – nsl_registration_user_data
- Facebook – Graph API v3.2 – old Facebook APP-s may require API Call version upgrade
- Old Nextend Facebook/Twitter/Google Connect compatibility has been removed. (?loginFacebook=1 and similar parameters will no longer work, only ?loginSocial=provider)
- Social buttons use flex-box layout now.
- New activation system for the Pro Addon.
- Fix: Conflict with Login with Ajax reset password.
- Fix: BuddyPress related themes, that render the avatar with the bp_displayed_user_avatar() will be able to get the avatar of the user.
- New email and profile Google scopes, since old ones became deprecated.
- Woocommerce User Email Verification prevented users with NSL from logging in
- Our registerComplete function is hooked later to let other plugins send their email notifications
- Old Nextend Twitter/Google Connect – backwards compatibility cessation notice added. (?loginFacebook=1 and similar parameters won’t work from the next version, only ?loginSocial=provider)
- Fix: Twitter Getting Started and Settings page updated according to the new Twitter App creation.
- Fix: Won’t stuck on a blank page anymore when the login and registration is blocked by WP Cerber.
- Fix: Infinite redirect loop when home page was selected as OAuth redirect uri proxy page.
- Fix: Safari will no longer close the page automatically after logging in with NSL.
- Feature: Login restriction – Some plugins are now able to prevent the login of NSL when admin approval or email verification is necessary!
- Feature: Google button skins.
- Feature: Portuguese (Brazilian) translation added.
- Fix: Further changes to prevent some issues with Theme My Login 7.x
- Fix: ‘profile_update’ WordPress hook won’t be triggered anymore upon a registration process.
- Fix: Chrome and Android Facebook login issue via Facebook App.
- Feature: Debug menu and option to test the connection of each provider.
- Feature: Twitter – Selecting profile image size is possible now.
- Feature: Blacklisted redirects
- Feature: Nextend Social Login newsletters subscription!
- Fix: Twitter – 32bit and Windows servers are lost the id precision
- Feature: Added Debug menu and Provider connection test
- Feature: Jetpack SSO login form extension
- Feature: Prevent external redirect
- Theme My Login version 7 breaks Nextend Social Login, so a notice will be displayed with details
- Nextend Social Login now uses appsecret_proof to improve your Facebook app’s security
- Fix: display_post_states is static now
- Fix: Parse error for alternate login page
- Feature: A page can be selected which handles the extra fields for Register flow.
- Feature: A page can be selected which handles the OAuth flow.
- Feature: Spanish (Latin America) translation added.
- Feature: GDPR – add custom Terms and conditions on register.
- Feature: GDPR – retrieved fields can now be exportable with the Export Personal Data tool of WordPress.
- Fix: Jetpack – Secure Sign On
- Fix: Dokan – redirection
- Feature: AJAX compatibility
- Feature: Default Redirect URL
- Feature: Twitter screen name as username
- Fix: SocialRabbit compatibility
- Avatars are stored in your media library as Facebook blocked the url access
- Code improvements
- PHP and WordPress version check
- Improved template-parts
- Fix: Login and redirect cleanup
- Fix: Socialize theme
- Fix for Hide my WP plugin @see https://codecanyon.net/item/hide-my-wp-amazing-security-plugin-for-wordpress/4177158
- Name of the session cookie can be changed with nsl_session_name filter and NSL_SESSION_NAME constant.
- Added new shortcode parameter: trackerdata.
- All In One WP Security – Fixed Verify Settings in providers
- Embedded login form settings for wp_login_form
- Instruction when redirect Uri changes
- iThemes Security – Filter Long URL removed as it prevents provider to return oauth params.
- Link and unlink shortcode added:
[nextend_social_login login="0" link="1" unlink="1" heading="Connect Social Accounts"]
- Prevent account linking if it is already linked
- Provider test process renamed to “Verify Settings”
- Remove whitespaces from username
- Theme My Login plugin compatibility fixes.
- Optimized registration process
- Removed mb_strlen, so “PHP Multibyte String” not required anymore
- Twitter api rewritten. This way it’s possible to get email address from Twitter users.
- Feature: Added fallback username prefix
- Feature: Added WebView support (Google buttons are hidden in WebView as Google does not allow to use)
- Feature: WP HTTP api replaced the native cURL
- Fix: shortcode redirect
- Fix: Twitter, LinkedIn and Google avatar
- Fix: Fixed avatars on retina screen
- Fix: Shopkeeper theme conflict
- Fixed rare case when the redirect to last state url was missing
- Fixed rare case when user can stuck in legacy mode while importing provider.