Upcoming fixes and updates
Coming soon…
- Improvement: Apple provider security improvements.
- Improvement: Kakao Getting Started and core integration update.
- Removed: BuddyPress – BuddyPress registration integration – as BuddyPress deprecated the option to create traditional WordPress accounts for unverified users.
- Feature: BuddyPress – Email template for registration – setting defines the email template that the registration notification will use when the registration happens with social login. Earlier this was part of the BuddyPress registration integration.
- Fix: Steam – Invalid Params error
- Fix: Line – PHP warning when the returned name was 1 word long only
- Improvement: TikTok Getting Started updated.
- Improvement: Custom Actions – option to display the buttons with either login or register specific label, based on the field where the action was added.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where it was possible to login with the social login through BuddyPress for the first time even if the account was still awaiting activation.
- Improvement: New LinkedIn Sync data fields: Headline, Vanity name
- Improvement: New TikTok Sync data field: Username
- Improvement: PayPal Getting Started updated
- New provider: Patreon
- Security fix: Error message sanitization.
- Fix: Updated our code to comply with the fact that func_get_args() no longer reports the original value passed to a parameter, and instead returns the current value.
- Improvement: Removed no longer needed “Checkout for WooCommerce” integration, and instead added the following actions at the billing form:
- woocommerce_before_checkout_shipping_form
- woocommerce_after_checkout_shipping_form
- New provider: Spotify
- Improvement: Register form – Password template HTML has been updated according to the latest WordPress default Forget Password form structure.
- Improvement: Custom Actions – Full Site Editing compatibility: the Custom Actions feature now attempts to render the buttons on any actions which are fired after the “init” action. ( Earlier, we tried only on the actions fired after the “login_head” and “wp_head” actions, so the buttons weren’t rendered on the actions that were called within the Block Theme widgets. )
- Improvement: PayPal Getting Started Update
- Improvement: PayPal integration updated according to the new PayPal endpoint and API changes.
- New provider: Reddit
- Fix: Added the now needed Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header to the TikTok access token endpoint request.
- Fix: Updated our code to use “Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect” instead of the old deprecated “Sign in with LinkedIn” product.
- Improvement: LinkedIn – Getting Started updated
- Improvement: Added new “edd_before_purchase_form” action for our Easy Digital Downloads integration.
- New provider: Kakao
- Feature: TikTok provider – Sync data fields added.
- Improvement: TikTok provider – new OAuth2 endpoints and redirect_url introduced.
- Improvement: TikTok Getting Started updated
- Fix: Yahoo provider – The redirect URL suggestion will now contain the complete Yahoo endpoint URL, as new Apps now require an exact match ( earlier the URLs with query strings weren’t accepted by the input field of Yahoo ).
- Improvement: Developers can now add extra validation logics for the “Ask E-mail/Password/Username on registration” features by using the “nsl_validate_extra_input_password_errors”, “nsl_validate_extra_input_username_errors” and “nsl_validate_extra_input_username_errors” filters.
- Improvement: The HTML of the “Ask E-mail/Password/Username on registration” features can now be overridden over template files.
- Feature: Line provider – added an option to allow the auto login.
- Feature: BuddyPress registration integration – so BuddyPress can send its registration notifications upon registration with social login, too.
- Feature: Discord provider – v10 API support
- Feature: Discord provider – Sync data fields added.
- Fix: Apple provider – There was an encoding problem with the scope parameter of the Apple authorization URL.
- Improvement: Developers can now override the GitHub and Disqus client credentials over the “nsl_disqus_api_key” / “nsl_disqus_api_secret” and “nsl_github_client_id” / “nsl_github_client_secret” filters. ( Can be useful for multi sites and multi language sites, as the App of these providers support only a single redirect URL. )
- Improvement: Microsoft Getting Started Update
- New provider: Twitch
- Fix: Microsoft provider – ErrorInsufficientPermissionsInAccessToken error when using the Personal Audience option.
- Fix: Steam provider – Error when pressing the “Got it” button on the “Fix OAuth Redirect URIs” page while the Steam provider was enabled.
- Fix: TikTok provider – Invalid request parameters error
- Improvement: TikTok provider – Getting Started Update
- Feature: TikTok provider – button skin selector added.
- Fix: There was a JavaScript error on the WordPress default Lost Password page when separator layouts were used
- Fix: We didn’t display the intended warning when the Free version was not compatible with the Pro Addon.
- Fix: Apple provider – PHP warning when verifying the provider settings for the first time
- Fix: WebView – we will no longer display the separator either, if we can not display any social buttons because of the embedded browser environment.
- Fix: TikTok provider – the registration and login didn’t work as TikTok modified their endpoints, the request method and the response of their API.
- Improvement: Yahoo provider – Getting Started Update
- Improvement: PayPal provider – Getting Started Update
- Feature: BuddyPress – option to show/hide the Social Accounts tab
- Feature: BuddyPress – Introducing “nsl_bp_social_accounts_tab_slug” filter to modify the slug of the BuddyPress – Social Accounts tab.
- Feature: Line – Initial Login method and Force initial login method settings.
- New provider: Steam
- Provider: TikTok
- Provider: Slack
- Provider: Discord
- Fix: The Microsoft provider used a wrong redirect url, when the Frontend and the Backend URL of the site were different.
- Feature: Display social buttons with layouts on Custom Actions
- Improvement: New options for the Line provider: Force reauthorization on each login and Add LINE Official Account as a friend
- Improvement: New options for the Microsoft provider: Audience and Authorization Prompt
- Feature: Integration for Easy Digital Downloads Checkout form.
- Improvement: VKontakte provider – we will use the API version 5.131 for the endpoints, as API version 5.74 is deprecated.
- Feature: Easy Digital Downloads login and register form support.
- Provider: Microsoft
- Provider: Line
- Improvement: Optimized Light and Dark SVG for Apple
- Improvement: Apple Getting Started Update
- Improvement: PayPal Getting Started Update
- Improvement: New Facebook Sync data field: Quote ( requires user_likes permission )
- Feature: BuddyPress Layout options added for registration form
- Fix: Linkedin provider didn’t store the first name and last name, if the account doesn’t have profile with English as either primary language or secondary language.
- Fix: Our integration for “Checkout for WooCommerce” didn’t work with their most recent versions.
- Improvement: Apple Getting Started Update
- Fix: Apple provider – Logo overlaps the box shadow of the light button skin
- Improvement: New Google Sync data fields: Genders and Locations ( requires People API )
- Removed: Google Sync data fields: Gender, Profile link, Taglines and Residences
- Improvement: WooCommerce – Email template for registration setting defines what email template will use the registration notification which is sent after the registration with social login. Earlier this was a hidden and built in feature of the Registration notification sent to setting.
- Provider: GitHub
- Feature: Show linked providers – Option to display the name of the providers which are linked to a WordPress account.
- Improvement: WooCommerce Billing – Default with separator layout to display the buttons on the place where the action is fired.
- Improvement: LinkedIn provider – updated steps in Getting Started section.
- Improvement: Pro Addon PHP 7.0 version check to load Pro Addon only on compatible PHP versions.
- Improvement: MemberPress Login form – option to hide the social buttons.
- Improvement: compatibility with the forms generated by the plugin “Checkout for WooCommerce”
- Improvement: Apple provider button skins to comply with Human Interface Guidelines
- Fix: Longer Apple JWT token expiry.
- Fix: Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. – Fix for the problem: Deactivate and delete “Nextend Social Login Pro Addon” plugin with version 3.0.21. Then you can install the fixed Pro Addon version 3.0.22/li>
- Provider: Apple
- Fix: Plugin update error: WordPress cached a not proper update url.
- Fix: Ultimate Member and Support login restrictions – Users will be redirected to the Ultimate Member login page after the registration.
- Fix: Social button layouts in Theme My Login forms.
- Improvement: WooCommerce automatically generated password feature support when Registration notification sent to is set to User or User and Admin.
- Improvement: Yahoo new endpoint and app creation guide steps to comply with the upcoming changes.
Removed Sync Data fields: Age Category, Language, Member Since, Phone number.
New Sync Data fields: Locale, Email verification status, Birthdate, Nickname, Gender.
- Improvement: PayPal updated endpoints. New Sync Data field: PayPal account ID (payer ID)
- Removed: PayPal Sync Data fields: Date of birth, Age range, Phone, Account type, Account creation date, Time zone, Locale Language.
- Feature: BuddyPress – option to disable the social buttons on the action: bp_sidebar_login_form
- Fix: display our social buttons on custom Jetpack comment form
- Improvement: LinkedIn v2 REST API update. Getting Started section updated with the new App creation steps.
- Removed: LinkedIn Sync Data
- Fix: Target window will open the provider in the selected way again.
- Fix: Update notice when the Free and Pro Addon are not compatible.
- Feature: Social buttons for BuddyPress – Login widget
- Feature: Option to disable the WordPress Toolbar on the front-end for some roles.
- Provider: Yahoo
- Note: We had plans to implement the Instagram provider. Unfortunately we need to change our mind, since the Instagram API will become deprecated soon!
- Fix: Bug fixes
- Feature: Multiple domain licenses – allow activation only on a single domain
- Fix: Google+ API replaced with Google People API
- Fix: Internet Explorer – Pro Addon activation.
- Fix: Facebook provider – Sync data: Gender, Profile link, Age range can be retrieved again.
- Feature: Social button alignment option for WooCommerce, Comment, BuddyPress, MemberPress, UserPro, Ultimate Member forms.
- Feature: Unlink option to disable unlink buttons.
- Feature: Paypal – Option to disable the email scope.
- Removed: Facebook provider – Sync data fields: Currency, TimeZone, Locale became deprecated.
- Improvement: Google+ API will shut down soon, so Google Sync data will use Google People API instead.
- Provider: WordPress.com
- Provider: Disqus
- Fix: Ultimate Member – missing avatar when Support login restrictions is disabled.
- Fix: Authorized domain notification when the page was authorized on non www but was visited on www or vice versa.
- Fix: WooCommerce – Billing – Default button layout.
- Fix: USM Premium prevented the authorization of NSL Pro Addon.
- Fix: Separator duplication by some themes.
- Fix: Google Sync data – Error message for Google+ API when it is not enabled.
- Feature: Social Buttons for MemberPress – Memberships form.
- Feature: Social Buttons for Ultimate Member forms.
- Provider: PayPal provider and PayPal Sync data.
- Feature: Sync Google fields
- Feature: Sync Twitter fields
- Feature: Authorized domain name check and notice for changed domain name.
- Feature: Option to change the button layouts for WooCommerce login/register/billing forms.
- Feature: Sync LinkedIn fields
- Provider: VKontakte – vk.com
- Provider: Amazon
- Feature: UserPro Login and Register support.
- Fix: With WooCommerce enabled, format of registration email for users will be the same as WooCommerce registration email.
- Feature: Ask password on registration
- Sync Facebook fields
- MemberPress integration
- BuddyPress register form support and profile link and unlink buttons
- WooCommerce register form settings
- Target window setting for authentication
- Option to disallow registration using Nextend Social Login
- Feature: option show or hide buttons in WordPress login form
- Feature: option show or hide buttons in WordPress registration form
- Feature: option to set the recipient of the notification email upon registration